how to go from mentally average to mentally unstoppable in 12 weeks (or less)... 

imagine A pro athlete Coaching you to unbreakable Mental toughness & Full Self-Confidence (so you'll NEVER struggle against yourself again)...

be mentally bulletproof • have unbreakable confidence • Engage the Mental Toughness to deal with challenges


Reality can be harsh making the truth hard to face sometimes; I love that Dre is a straight shooter and shares his insight where it’s black and white. He has a wide array of topics that are VERY relatable for just about anyone — a must listen to!!!

Stefanie Johnson
World Champion Professional Bowler


I just want to say that you are REALLY good at making the case for dropping all the analysis paralysis, and shaking the fear, and just doing wtf we wanna do, win lose or draw, and letting the chips fall where they fall, without whining. Nike says "Just Do It," and hell, a LOT of people say it, but few make the case like you do. Excellent work.

Steve Burks
Accomplished Singer-Songwriter & Musician
Dear ambitious, driven person...
From: Dre Baldwin, CEO of Work On Your Game Inc.
To: You -- The Ambitious Person -- who knows you can BE and DO more 
If you want to ever become that ideal version of yourself, then this is the most important letter you'll read all year.

I'll tell you why...
Here's what I know to be true about you...
  • You're beating yourself up way too much
  • You used to be a LOT more confident 
  • You don't know what your problem is
  • You're hesitating and second-guessing 
  • You let little things to throw you off easily
  • You haven't felt momentum for a long time
Am I right? 

Success is developed from the inside-out: you first manifest and become the person who you need to BE, then you DO the things that this ideal person does, then you see the REUSULTS

But, too many people get the whole thing backwards. 

They spend their life doing things without first becoming the right person, and then they're wondering why they aren't producing the results they know they're capable of.
the "Bulletproof Mindset" is NOT something you're born with -- It's developed and nurtured. and i'll teach you.
There's a perfectly logical reason for this: All our lives, we've been taught to set goals and work hard

These are good ideas! I do both myself. 


Until we answer the question of "who do I need to BE??", none of that hard work, works. 
I always felt I had the potential to be great. 

It was only after I implemented what I call the "Bulletproof Mindset" that I went from a nerdy kid with no confidence to a pro athlete and entrepreneur whose confidence and mindset material has reach tens of millions of people worldwide.


Dre Baldwin is a tough, truth-telling coach who can change your game by teaching you how to work on it in the right ways. None of what he shares is easy, but all of it is smart, and if you have the guts to do the work, this book will show you the path to success.

Dr. Nick Morgan
Acclaimed Best-Selling Author & Elite Communications Coach


Hi Dre! Will post this publicly but I also really wanted to tell you directly. It’s been exactly one year since I’d been listening to your podcasts. It started when I was on my way to my miserable job at a horrible architecture company...  I somehow stumbled upon your podcast and everything changed from then on. You helped me realize my potential, my talent, what drives me. Taught me to fuck the excuses, opinions and the norm. One ballsy day I left that job, and started my own business. 3 months into my business opening and I am constantly turning down clients because there simply are too many! I wake up driven, excited and charged every single day. I cannot thank you enough for being as real as possible. 

Tania Coneliano
Creative Director, Mozzafiato Interiors
I'm Dre Baldwin, and Here's how and why I can make you this promise...
Mental Toughness coach & CEO of Work On Your Game Inc. miami, FL
  • Former Professional Basketball Player
  • Author of 27 books, including Work On Your Game: Use The Pro Athlete Mindset To Dominate Your Game In Business, Sports, and Life  
  • 4 TEDxTalks on Discipline, Confidence, Mental Toughness & Personal Initiative 
  • ​Creator & Host of "Work On Your Game" Daily Podcast With Over 3 Million Listens
I transformed from a high school basketball team bench warmer averaging 2 points per game (as a senior!) to a 9-year pro career overseas. 

I'm currently CEO of a business whose message has reached over 73 million people worldwide through my content, 27 books and 4 TEDxTalks on Discipline, Confidence, Mental Toughness & Personal Initiative.
Just like me, you have the talent and potential to become your ideal self -- all you need are the Mental Game "keys" to unlock that untapped ability -- like... 
  • Discipline to show up and work consistently, even when you're unsure of the outcome
  • Confidence to out yourself out there in life, in front of an audience 
  • Mental Toughness to stay focused when things aren't going as expected
  • ​Personal Initiative to get started and stop waiting for permission or an invitation 
  • Communication Skills to deal with the other people's energy -- and your own self-talk 
  • Self-Regulating Tools to handle the inevitable challenges coming in the future
All while remembering: You are "ON THE CLOCK" -- meaning you don't have forever to get to you goals.
many people have goals, AND are willing to do the work... so what stops them?? The same things that are stopping YOU...
The people I work with are smart, resourceful and hard-working -- their only challenge is the same challenge that I used to have: getting their mind in alignment with their goals & actions.
In Fact, Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What I'm offering you TODAY...
  • Put Your Skills to Their Most Efficient Use -- Which Means Getting the Full Return on Investment for Your Abilities 💰
  • Have the Most Comprehensive Mental Game Training on The Market, so You Can Stop Signing up For Garbage Mindset Trainings from "life Coaches" -- This Is Your Last stop 🤯
  • Make the High Productivity of Your Best Days the Standard --  No More Days of Feeling Like Sh*t Because You Got Nothing Done 📈
  • Embrace You as You Are and Bring out "the Super You" Version of Yourself so You Can Stop Beating Yourself up Over Your Perceived "shortcomings" (and Stop Trying to "fake It 'til You Make It" 🤮)
  • Identify the B.S. Beliefs that Were Handed to You in The Past and Get Rid of Them -- Which Means You Stop Thinking that Something Is Wrong with You 🪞
  • You'll Be Proud of Who You See in The Mirror, Knowing You're Maximizing Your Potential
  • You're Performing at Your Highest Level and Doing What You Do Best,  Which Means You'll Stop Feeling out Of Place or As if You Belong Somewhere Else 
  • You'll Have Confidence that People Can Feel, magnetizing You and Making You Someone Who Everyone Wants to Be Around


I have known Dre for years now, and every interaction I have with him adds tremendous value to my life. From receiving inspiration from his well-spoken leadership as President of Toastmasters South Beach to sitting down with him 1-on-1 to discuss the next steps for my business, the wisdom and guidance he shares has always been on-point, visionary and empowered. Thank you, Dre, for the contribution you are to so many lives on this planet. You rock!

Jeska Brodbeck
Owner Of Be Light Consulting & Corporate Keynote Speaker


Dre, you continue to constantly inspire me and help me grow. You are a true Thought Leader

Darbi Gwynn
Influencer & Actress

So Here's My Offer: 
Bulletproof Mindset 2.0

With This 12-module course, you'll learn To Be Mentally Unstoppable And how to Dominate Your "GAME" Mentally And Emotionally -- so you can stop Beating Yourself Up And Being Your Own Worst Enemy
bulletproof mindset 2.0
The 12-Module mental game MASTER Course To help you lock into Your Zone, develop sharp Focus and exude Full Confidence to Lead Yourself and your Team, and Make It Stick Forever - Guaranteed
... In Just 12 Weeks!
here's what you get with bulletproof mindset 2.0


Much love to you Dre!  Your words this morning are exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve been listening to your podcasts for months now and it has definitely helped change the way I view myself and things. Keep doing what you’re doing!! - Leila

"Dropping All the Analysis Paralysis, and Shaking the Fear, and Just Doing Wtf We Wanna Do"

I just want to say that your are REALLY good at making the case for dropping all the analysis paralysis, and shaking the fear, and just doing wtf we wanna do, win lose or draw, and letting the chips fall where they fall, without whining. Nike says "Just Do It," and hell, a LOT of people say it, but few make the case like you do. Excellent work. - Steven


Hey Dre, I just wanted to say Thank You for all of your help on reaching my goals, almost 2 years ago I set out the goal of winning a national championship and I did just that this past month. For these past 2 years I really focused in on myself and really worked on getting better each and everyday. I lived by your philosophy and now because of that I’m a national champ. Thank You so much for everything Dre And it’s only the beginning 🤩 - Adam


I would sometimes let [lack of] self-confidence get in my way... Dre helped me get my mind right and become the person who I wanted to be. I highly recommend Dre for anyone who wants to to get on the path of getting your mind right and achieving the things that you really want to do. Work On Your Game! - John
bulletproof mindset 2.0 course
Bulletproof Mindset is more than a course. 

Bulletproof Mindset is the FOUNDATIONAL groundwork I laid first for myself, and what I've taught on a daily basis for the past 15 years -- starting with athletes and now with entrepreneurs, freelancers and business professionals. 

Bulletproof Mindset is not something you do -- it's who you  will transform into over the course of the 12 modules. Imagine A WHOLE NEW YOU, leaving your past self behind. 

That's the opportunity this course is offering. You in? 
what you're getting [12-Module Video Course]
  • Module 1: The 7 Golden Rules
  • Module 2: Personal Mental Conditioning System 
  • Module 3: The Little Things That Make a BIG Difference 
  • Module 4: Mindset Mistakes That Good People Habitually Make
  • Module 5: Handling Negativity From People & Circumstances
  • Module 6: The Power Of Razor Sharp Focus
  • Module 7: Communicating With Power
  • Module 8: Making It Who You ARE, Not Just What You DO
  • Module 9: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 10: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 11: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
  • Module 12: xxxxxxxxxxxx [Get Started To See!]
how THis helps you
  • Benefit: Condition yourself to be at your best mentally on a DAILY basis 
  • Benefit: Eliminate the MENTAL COBWEBS that block clear thinking
  • Benefit: Handle negative and uncooperative people EASILY
  • Benefit: Sharpen your FOUCS to get more stuff done every day
  • Benefit: Communicate in a powerful way and always get your point across 
  • Benefit: Make your new mindset who you, one that lasts PERMANENTLY
  • Benefit: Handle and fix all the common mental errors that erode the Bulletproof Mindset
  • Benefit: In addition to the internal change, your transformation will show on the outside as well -- everyone will see and feel your new energy 
  • Benefit: A Whole NEW YOU
WHy It really matters for you
  • SUPER-PRODUCTIVE: Get and THE MOST done every day
  • LEADERSHIP: People will FOLLOW your directives and LISTEN when you talk 
  • ​EXCITED: Wake up energized about life every day
  • ​WORKING FOR YOU: Have your mind on your side, never against you 
  • ​CONFIDENCE: Live at your highest possible level and stay there 
  • ​CONDITION: Your mind like a top athlete conditions their body 
Let Me Sweeten The deal For You Even More With These Instant Bonuses For Acting Now...


When I first came across @DreAllDay podcast, I was full of energy with no idea on how to use that energy. I developed mental toughness as I kept on listening to his podcast, work by word. Now I started something of my own at the age of 17, inspired by Dre Baldwin. - Isaiah


My boss heard Dre speak and was wowed by his perspective and enthusiasm for success. At the time of Dre's talk for our group, we were celebrating our company's top sellers. The challenge that faced us in that setting was motivation to press on and achieve even more success this year than the last. His words were impactful to the level that a worker in the venue where Dre was speaking to us actually came up to him later and thanked him, stating that Dre spoke on exactly what he needed to hear that night. Dre was very professional and even stood in for photos and autographs after his speaking time was finished. - Rachel


Dre is the real deal. He teaches the characteristics -- Discipline, Confidence , Mental Toughness, Initiative -- that we could use more of a s a society. - Grace
BONUS #1: Bulletproof Mindset Manual: The ONLY Way To Dominate Life Mentally From The Inside-Out, Reach You Full Potential And Never Doubt Yourself Again
Get the 395-page manual to accompany the Bulletproof Mindset course. With this, you can write in any notes, ideas and things-to-remember that you learn in Bulletproof Mindset and have the physical version as well as the online course! 

This is the exact mental conditioning program that I follow myself, to this day. I guarantee that it works. And I DEMAND that you follow it. 

It's not enough to simply tell you how to build your mindset of Mental Toughness, Confidence & Discipline. 
what you get [395-Page Digital + Physical Book]
  • Carrying Yourself As Who You Will Be [Page 64]
  • No Limits To Your Abilities [Page 47]
  • Mindset Mistakes That Good People Habitually Make [Page 105]
  • Stop Mincing Words With People [Page 200]
  • Find Your "Zone" [Page 247] 
  • The “It” Factor How To Have "It” [Page 363]
  • XXXXXXXXXX [Get Started To Find Out!]
  • XXXXXXXXXX [Get Started To Find Out!]
  • XXXXXXXXXX [Get Started To Find Out!]
  • XXXXXXXXXX [Get Started To Find Out!]
What THis does for you
  • Benefit: Have daily affirmations to recite every day, shaping your mentality exactly as you want it
  • Benefit: Condition your subconscious mind to work for you -- even in your sleep! 
  • Benefit: Write our your life's goals strategically 
  • ​Benefit: Have a full, everyday plan for reaching your goals 
  • ​Benefit: Enjoy the calm feeling of KNOWING that things will work in your favor, not matter what is happening in the present
  • Benefit: Have the Bulletproof Mindset process in written form as well as the video course 
  • Benefit: Always have the guide to reference and take notes in  
  • Benefit: Write our your life's goals strategically 
  • ​Benefit: Have a full, everyday plan for reaching your goals 
  • ​Benefit: Enjoy the calm feeling of KNOWING that things will work in your favor, not matter what is happening in the present
  • CHANGE: The way you see yourself will be CHANGING 
  • SHED ALL DOUBTS: And personal inhibitions about being your true self
  • BELIEVE: Fully in yourself and your direction in life 
  • ​CLEAR OBJECTIVES: For your day, your week, your year, and your life -- all that YOU created
  • ​Quickly & Easily INCORPORATE: What you learn in Bulletproof Mindset and make it all part of your REAL LIFE
Value: $497

"I Was Laid Off from My Job Last Month... This Course Has Been the Best at Putting Me Back Into the Zone"

I'm in the middle of your bulletproof mind course right and wow man. Great Stuff! I've read a lot of books on self-motivation and keeping a positive mental attitude. I've read Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Brian Tracey. You name it. You seem to find a way to get right down to the meat and potatoes. This course has been the best at putting me back into the zone. I was laid off from my job last month and instead of going back to the 9-5 grind I've mustered the courage to start my own business. I was worried that I would lack the confidence to do it but your course has helped me tremendously. Thanks for everything man. I appreciate it - Maurice


Thank you for the great material you're providing for us. To answer your question of paying a monthly fee for your "Daily Game" emails - yes, I'd likely pay for this since your information and perspective on life has been and is valuable. Thanks again! - Mark


I appreciate your advice and will be following what you said today as I have with most of the other advice that you give out. I’m one of your avid daily listeners (and one of your actual appliers of advice) and have ALREADY started to ask those initial questions to potential clients. You’re changing lives out here man, I hope you know and understand that. - Jasmine


Dre is a master of peeling back the layers to get to what's really important... Real, raw, and practical guide for getting whatever it is that you want. Be prepared to leave your excuses behind and experience mega growth. - Misty


... Bring discipline, confidence, and fearlessness to your work whether you're in the boardroom, a start-up garage, or the sales office. It will show you where to put the work in to get the best results, when to take chances, and how to toughen up to meet daily challenges. Baldwin's  advice will inspire you to play your best -- no matter what your game. - Dan


Thank you!!!!!! You were amazing!!!! The students were talking abut your talk ALL DAY TODAY!!!! - Melissa
BONUS #2: The game: raise your value 
You started your business to do what you love, but find yourself responsible for doing a whole lot of other stuff that has ​nothing to do with that love. You’re in a tangled web of work in which you’re not even spending much time doing the thing you most enjoy.

The good thing about problems, though: they wouldn’t be problems if they didn’t have solutions.

To address these challenges, and guide you to their solutions, I created this course to help you achieve one specific result: ​Spend more of your time and energy doing what you’re amazing at, which will drive more revenue to your business. 

How would that make you feel? 
what you get [WRITTEN Material + AUDIO MASTERCLASSes]
  • Entrepreneurs: Stop Doing All The Work Yourself!  
  • ​Delegation 101
  • Codification of Your Knowledge
  • Raising Your Prices: The Logical And Emotional Understanding Of Why  
What THis does for you
  • Benefit: Once you get clear on your business processes and systems, things that can be executed in a consistent, disciplined way, you can ​enlist other people to take some of that work off of your hands​.
  • ​Benefit: The challenge of lacking time and space — especially if you’re doing any form of consulting (coaching, speaking, training, etc) — can be solved rather easily. 
  • ​Benefit: Take the very knowledge and expertise that your clients pay for and package it: ​create products and services that deliver to your audience without requiring your physical presence​.
  • Benefit: It would be great to relieve yourself of the anxiety that comes with needing to sign a new client (or hope that clients renew) to ensure that your bills are paid this month. 
  • ​Benefit: You can do this by ​1) having more than one “offering” out there working for you, and you --
  • ​Benefit: 2) have multiple products at multiple price points, so you’re able to serve everyone where they are and at the level they’re available at​.
WHy this really matters for you
  • FINALLY: STOP​ doing ALL of the work yourself
  • SYSTEMS: For everything your business does
  • ​DELEGATE​: Pass off work that can be done by others
  • CODIFY: Convert your knowledge into SELLABLE PRODUCTS  
  • ​REMOVE: YOURSELF from your business where you're not needed
  • ​​PSYCHOLOGY: Master your mindset around PRICE 
  • ​STOP: giving your value away 
Value: $297


Hi! My name is Raychel Shannon and I am an avid listener of your podcast. I really relate to your background story. I am a basketball player who also had a crazy journey to make it pro. I went from D2 to D3 to D2 again and made it overseas last year after overcoming a lot of closed doors. I used a lot of your material to guide me through the process and to get a taste of what to expect. Also, your podcast about reading books impacted my life in a huge way. I have always loved to read but didn’t prioritize it. Since listening I have read about a book a week and am working to increase this number even more. You have even inspired me to put my own blog together. When it is up and running I will definitely send you the link. In closing, I want to thank you for the material you put out. Keep up the great, quality work! - Raychel


My name is Ellyson Ortega and I'm 19 years old. I'm currently a Sophomore in College and some of the challenges I was facing was definitely confidence in myself and even the way I viewed myself. I wasn't as confident as I wanted to be. Deep down I knew I could always be more confident. I just didn't know how to reach it. When you sent out an email about ASAP Confidence, I had to try it out. I had a feeling this was meant for me. I knew it because the moment I started Day 1, I knew this was going to work for me. Going through the ASAP Confidence course, I've learned how to become the "Super You" and I even know how to stand properly and even walk properly. I know what to think and what to do now when someone tries to tear me down. The results of this course are AMAZING! I noticed the difference after Day 1 and I've just been so much happier with myself ever since I took this course. Not only did I become more confident, but I became much happier as well. This course will CHANGE your life for the better! You won't be the same person you were before and that's a great thing!!! Some people will leave you because of it but that's okay! Those people aren't meant to be apart of your life anyways!! Once you take this course, you become an opportunity magnet! You will attract everything!!! Thanks again to Dre Baldwin as he created this life changing course!! Recommend this course 100/10. - Ellyson


Thanks for the advice and content. I have applied some of your advice and so far have added staff to my academy and turned over management of some aspects to them, freeing up hours during my week. I am also Head Coach for a HS Varsity Team now, with a strong staff to whom I have delegated responsibility as well. Thanks to your advice, I am able to deliver in both areas on the same amount of time I was allocating to just one task before.I guess I just needed to take that first step of faith. It’s getting easier and now I can see how I can continue to expand my capacity into more areas and involve/promote others at the same time. - Rob
BONUS #3 Discipline Master course volume 1 
As a 9-year professional athlete, this was the first thing I learned: 

Talent gets you a job. Discipline gives you a career. 

In this 5-part course, you get 88 minutes of raw and real teaching from me on the basics of Self-Discipline.  

This will help you to implement the teaching from Bulletproof Mindset much faster and easier because the Disciplines will be second nature to you now. 
what you get [5-MODULE AUDIO CLASS]
  • Basics of Self-Discipline
  • The "Why" & "How" Of Discipline And Where It Applies
  • ​"Lather, Rinse & Repeat"
  • How Discipline Creates Confidence
  • Why Discipline Matters MORE Than Passion
  • XXXXXXXXXX [Get Started To Find Out!]
  • XXXXXXXXXX [Get Started To Find Out!]
  • XXXXXXXXXX [Get Started To Find Out!]
What THis does for you
  • Benefit: Understand the pivotal role discipline plays in success
  • Benefit: Get more stuff done every day with a calm confidence, even when you're on deadline and under pressure  
  • Benefit: Develop consistent routines that produce results 
  • ​Benefit: Become the executor who's known for getting things DONE
  • ​Benefit: Show up every day to get the job done, even when you don't feel like it
WHy this really matters for you
  • ​FINISH: Everything you start -- no more "loose ends"!!
  • COMPLETION MINDSET: Close all the "open loops" in your life + mind 
  • ROUTINES: For the most important aspects of your life -- 
  • ​REPUTATION: For being an EXECUTOR who gets things done 
  • ​OUT-PERFORM COMPETITION: Dust off the "passionate" people when they burn out quickly (they always do)
Value: $197


Hey Dre, The reason for this email is to express my sincere appreciation and admiration for the dedication you have for your craft. I've been following you for a little over two years now. I own several books of yours and I also purchased your Bullet Proof Mindset Course. But the thing that's helped me the most is your PODCAST. I learned so much from The WOYG Podcast that it made me want to start my own. I wanted to do for others what you did for me. I wanted to for two years but I didn't! There's a bunch of excuses for why I didn't, but not a single good reason. The only thing that was in my way was me. But I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired, so I decided to take action. I posted my 4th podcast episode yesterday.I have you to thank for that! Thank you for your content! & Thank you for helping me build up the confidence I needed to finally launch my podcast. (P.s. it's even rated 5 Stars on Apple Podcast :) ) - Flor


Just finished book over the weekend—thanks so much for all the great info. It will be a great resource coaching at a Div 3 school---I know our best player from this season is trying to continue to play. Looking forward to sharing the info—great thoughts on mental toughness. Thanks again, - Brad


What’s up Dre, Just watched the video and you’ve made some solid points that I found are helpful. I’m a college sophomore planning to play D1 this year and set myself up for a possible overseas career after college. I’ve been watching your videos since 2013 and started listening to your podcasts in 2015. The podcasts assisted me to focus on myself so I could buy a game and actually have the respect and skill of being a hooper. I’m coming from zero elementary or high school team experience and your content resonates with me. Outside of basketball most importantly, it provides structure and resiliency from everything and everyone around that isn’t in my corner and it’s much respect, love and appreciation for the content. With your consistency of content and my consistency of effort into my craft I could say that I’ve created a possible reality for myself to play pro ball and plan to read the overseas book to bring it more into reality. So thank you once again big bro. - Justin
BONUS #4: Discipline master course volume 2
There's a process to making anything happen. And, while you may know what that process is, you don't always feel like sticking to that process. 

The better you can get over those not-feeling-like-it feelings, the sooner you get to your goals. 

In this 6-part course, you get the raw and real teaching that I've become known for on the NEXT level of discipline: respecting the process of applying your discipline consistently, even when you least feel like it. 
what you get  [6-MODULE AUDIO CLASS]
  • Respect & Trust The Process
  • Professionals Don't Need Motivation
  • Sometimes, You Just Need To Put More Time In
  • What To Do When You're Not Motivated
  • Discipline Does NOT Mean Perfection
What THis does for you
  • Benefit: Discipline yourself mentally to handle the ups and downs of your process while staying positive
  • ​Benefit: Understand how much time is necessary to reach your goals 
  • ​Benefit: Know how to get yourself motivated -- even when you don't feel so great
  • Benefit: Develop the mental toughness to keep yourself mentally on-track 
  • Benefit: Stop self-criticizing so harshly 
WHy this Really matters for you
  • ACCEPTANCE: You DO NOT need to be perfect in order to succeed
  • SELF-LOVE: NO MORE beating yourself up over your shortcomings  
  • POWER: Move yourself to ACTION at ANY TIME
  • ​REPUTATION: Be known to SHOW UP all the time -- and paid handsomely for it 
  • ​APPLICATION: Everything you're learning in Bulletproof Mindset becoming REAL in your life
Value: $197


A year and a half later I would like to thank you for your words of hope and to say that I just passed the exam and I'm already a lawyer. It was your words of confidence that, as strangers, had the greatest impact and helped me to overcome defeat and to continue working to achieve today's victory! God bless you! - Lili


I wanted to let you know that I love what you're doing. I haven't heard all of your podcasts yet but I'm working my way through them. I'm an athlete from a different perspective, I'm a barrel racer. I ride horses and compete in rodeo. Although a majority of sport talk you use or work with is Basketball, I can understand everything and can use it to help myself. It's actually helps me think outside the box because I can't just copy and paste the situation from whatever you may be talking about to what I'm going through. You have made me more disciplined in myself and the work I need to do to become better every day. I greatly appreciate what you do. - Caitlin


I was a really good basketball player physical but mentally I wasn't there... I went from good to unstoppable. Dre just doesn't cover Confidence. He covers Confidence, discipline, Visioning Success, dealing with negativity, mindset mistakes and much, much more! I have recommended Dre to anyone who wants to be serious in basketball or anything in life. Thank you again and Work On Your Game! - Grayson


This book is outstanding. I read the intro and immediately knew that it was something I wanted to read--which is good because anyone who reads it will immediately know if it's what they're looking for or not. I love the Examine Your Game boxes, and feel like it has a great balance of information and action items. I also love the easy-to-understand examples, like the vending machine. The way it's written is smooth and easy to read. Most of the chapters tease the content of the next chapter, which made me want to keep reading it. Fabulous work! - Lisa
BONUS #5: become a business athlete
The Business world is just like playing a sport in many ways. 

You must be dedicated and focused. There are no "overnight successes." Competitors are constantly scheming to take you down. You must show up every day -- even when you don't feel like it. You better add something new to your game every season. Every successful team needs a strong, focused leader. 

And no matter where you stand right now, the discipline you apply to your craft will determine if and how long you stay on top. 

Become a Business Athlete is a course that we made to sell to to Fortune 500 companies at $10,000 per year. It will have you mentally in shape and primed to perform in the office the same way your favorite athlete does in the game. 

This will help you develop a Bulletproof Mindset faster and easier as you can listen to the short audios every day while getting dressed for work on or your lunch break. 
what you get [Daily 30-day Audio course]
  • What Exactly Do You Want? 
  • Keep Your Eyes On The Goal
  • Know Your Business Inside And Out
  • ​Eliminate What Isn't Working
  • Plan Ahead & Eliminate Guesswork
  • ​When You Reach The End, Stop 
  • ​Discipline Doesn’t Have A Highlight Reel
  • ​Everything is connected: Don't let your personal issues ruin your business
  • ​Your Highest Goal: Would You Be Ready For It?
  • ​It’s Not What You Get, But Who You Become
  • ​Your Last 1% of Effort Could Be the Difference Maker
  • XXXXXXXXXX [Get Started To Find Out!]
  • XXXXXXXXXX [Get Started To Find Out!]
  • XXXXXXXXXX [Get Started To Find Out!]
What THis does for you
  • Benefit: Use the audios as a daily pick-me-up that keep your mind on-point
  • Benefit: Be motivated to master every aspect of your business as the leader
  • Benefit: Have clear goals that tell you when to begin, and when to stop 
  • ​Benefit: Develop a performance mindset 
  • ​Benefit: Listen at any time, even while on the go
WHy this really matters for you
  • KNOW: Be clear about where you're going
  • SELF: Know who you are and when you're at your best
  • PERFORM: Measure yourself and your team by performance, aligning everything else to support this measurement
  • ​CONVENIENCE: Listen to the audios at any time, even on mobile or tablet
  • ​HIGH-LEVEL: Learn the same strategies that Fortune 500 companies paid over $10,000/year to learn
Value: $997


I was a really good basketball player physical but mentally I wasn't there... I went from good to unstoppable. Dre just doesn't cover confidence. He covers confidence, discipline, visioning success, dealing with negativity, mindset mistakes and much, much more! I have recommended Dre to anyone who wants to be serious in basketball or anything in life. Thank you again and Work On Your Game!

Grayson Honaker
Record-Setting High School Basketball Star


WORK ON YOUR GAME will help you bring discipline, confidence, and fearlessness to your work whether you're in the boardroom, a start-up garage, or the sales office. It will show you where to put the work in to get the best results, when to take chances, and how to toughen up to meet daily challenges. Baldwin's story and advice will inspire you to play your best -- no matter what your game.

Daniel Pink
4x New York Times Best-Selling Author
AND, so you know we stand behind our stuff 100%...
My 30-Day Bulletproof Guarantee
If Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 doesn't help you to be more confident than you've EVER been in life, condition your mind to be at your best mentally throughout your days, and make the most of your talent and potential, then I'll refund your money. Period. 
IF what i'm offering you did only half of what i've promised... 
would it be worth it?
What if it took 24 weeks instead of 12? 
what if we only 10X'd your confidence instead of 25x?
would it still be worth it? 

with Bulletproof Mindset 2.0, you'll be Locking Into Your Zone, Developing Sharp Focus And Exuding Full Confidence To Lead Yourself And Your Team, AND It will Stick Forever - Guaranteed.

You'll be a leader who communicates assertively. And people will want to listen to and follow you. 

you're just one bold move away... and Bulletproof mindset 2.0 is that bold move. 
-Dre "DreAllDay" Baldwin
Here’s A Recap Of
EVERYTHING You're Getting
When You take advantage of This AMAZING Offer for bulletproof mindset 2.0!
√ ​Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 Full 12-Module Course ($14,997 Value)

BONUS Bulletproof Mindset 395-Page Manual:  ($497 Value)

​BONUS The Game: Raise Your Value 18-Part Business Course ($297 Value)

​BONUS Discipline Master Course Volume 1 5-Part Audio Master Class ($197 Value)

√ ​BONUS Become a Business Athlete 30-Day Audio Series ($997 Value)

√ ​BONUS Discipline Master Course Volume 2 6-Part Audio Master Class ($197 Value)
Total Value: $17,182
But today, you're getting all of this at a...
huge 97% discount!
just $1,997 $497
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5 payments of $119
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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

Dynamically Updated
I've already read some of the books. Do I need Bulletproof Mindset 2.0? 
It depends. Do you want to take your Mental Game to its highest possible level? That's who Bulletproof Mindset is for. The books are a great start, the and Bulletproof Mindset is the next level of the game. 
Does Dre teach the whole course? 
Is the course "dripped" or do I get access to all of it immediately?
You can access 100% of Bulletproof Mindset immediately. 
This course looks great, but I want to work with Dre 1-on-1. How can I do that?
Two Ways: 
1) Check the box on the order form for Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 and get your 1-on-1 session with Dre. In that conversation, you'll see what it's like to work with Dre, and Dre will share with you at the end what it would look like to work with him long-term.
2) Email and share a bit about who you are what you do, and what you want help with. FYI: 1x1 coaching is a paid service, and it's not cheap. 
What sets Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 apart from other programs? 
1) There's real substance behind the material, not just a sales pitch. 
2) Follow Dre on Instagram or listen to the daily podcast, and it'll be obvious: Dre lives his message and teaches what he actually does. If you've been following his journey over the years, you've practically watched him do it! There's no fakery here. 
3) We have a real framework for actual results here. We are not into coaches selling you on how to be a coach, or courses on how to sell courses. 
Dre played basketball overseas. Why do this instead of teaching dribbling drills or fitness? 
From the beginning, the Work On Your Game message has always resonated with a much lager audience than just athletes (though many athletes are our clients to this day). 
The concepts of Discipline, Confidence, Mental Toughness & Personal Initiative apply to all of life. 
And, as Dre has moved on and evolved from professional sports, so has his audience evolved into more than just ball players. 
I WANT Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 -- but can't pay it all up front. Do you offer payment plans?
Yes! Here are the options -- 

1 payment of $497
5 monthly payments of $119  
Do you offer a money-back guarantee?
Yes. If at anytime during your first 30 days you decide that this is not for you, email us ( and we will refund your payment. 
what they say about Work On Your Game 
if we included all the praise we've gathered over the years, you'd never finish scrolling #FACTS... Here's a taste


I want to thank you for the opportunity to open my awareness and thank you for the motivation. In 2018 I just built my tea company in China here in the tea gardens of Wuyi mountain. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you. I still remember your powerful speech. It has really motivated me. Here I am and I would like yo say thank you. 

Peiqin Zhao 
Certified Senior Tea Expert & Founder of Teahouse™


Thank you for sharing your value with the world. I appreciate your value, and it has helped me to develop the mental toughness that I lacked for years. I am in a situation right now that I know a year ago would have had me sleepless, but thanks to you and God that it doesn't matter to me anymore, because I am so focused on growing myself. It feels good to be confident, focused and moving forward. 

Monique McCray-Jackson
Author of "Broken But Not Destroyed"


Much love to you Dre! I just ordered your book this morning too. Your words this morning are exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve been listening to your podcasts for months now and it has definitely helped change the way I view myself and things. Keep doing what you’re doing. I will always support you!! 

Leila Nicole


I wanted to let you know that I love what you're doing. I haven't heard all of your podcasts yet but I'm working my way through them. I'm an athlete from a different perspective, I'm a barrel racer. I ride horses and compete in rodeo. Although a majority of sports talk you use or work with is Basketball, I can understand everything and can use it to help myself. It actually helps me think outside the box because I can't just copy and paste the situation from whatever you may be talking about to what I'm going through. You have made me more disciplined in myself and the work I need to do to become better every day. I greatly appreciate what you do.

Caitlin Collins
Rodeo Competitor


I would sometimes let [lack of] self-confidence get in my way... Dre helped me get my mind right and become the person who I wanted to be. I highly recommend Dre for anyone who wants to to get on the path of getting your mind right and achieving the things that you really want to do. Work On Your Game! 

John Madson, CFP®, CRPC®
Financial Advisor & Owner,  Signature Wealth Management


Thanks for the advice and content. I have applied some of your advice and so far have added staff to my academy and turned over management of some aspects to them, freeing up hours during my week. I am also Head Coach for a HS Varsity Team now, with a strong staff to whom I have delegated responsibility as well. Thanks to your advice, I am able to deliver in both areas on the same amount of time I was allocating to just one task before. I guess I just needed to take that first step of faith. It’s getting easier and now I can see how I can continue to expand my capacity into more areas and involve/promote others at the same time.

Rob Pierson
Director, Shine Basketball Academy


My boss heard Dre speak and was wowed by his perspective and enthusiasm for success. At the time of Dre's talk for our group, we were celebrating our company's top sellers. The challenge that faced us in that setting was motivation to press on and achieve even more success this year than the last. His words were impactful to the level that a worker in the venue where Dre was speaking to us actually came up to him later and thanked him, stating that Dre spoke on exactly what he needed to hear that night. Dre was very professional and even stood in for photos and autographs after his speaking time was finished. 

Rachel Swires
Executive Assistant


Woah. One of the most inspiring and empowering kickoffs to a conference I’ve ever experienced. Thank you, @DreAllDay

Kristin Brashares
Digital & Social Media Marketing Manager


I appreciate your advice and will be following what you said today as I have with most of the other advice that you give out on your other podcasts. I’m one of your avid daily listeners (and one of your actual appliers of advice) and have ALREADY started to ask those initial questions to potential clients. You’re changing lives out here man, I hope you know and understand that.

JD Kearse 
Creative Consultant & Filmmaker


Dre, The life I decided to create when we talked is coming into being every day. I've created a contract and sent it off to someone on Monday. I'm firming up pricing tomorrow with a mentor. In the meantime, I got another request via Facebook for my services and I have had multiple people refer to me as "the expert" online lately. It's all coming together like you said! I listen to your podcast every day and am so incredibly grateful. You're the best. Thank you for changing my course by pushing me and challenging me. I honestly don't think I could have heard it from anyone but you at that point.

Jean South
CEO of Hired Served (Connecting Veterans & Employers)


Hi! My name is Raychel Shannon and I am an avid listener of your podcast. I really relate to your background story. I am a basketball player who also had a crazy journey to make it pro. I went from D2 to D3 to D2 again and made it overseas last year after overcoming a lot of closed doors. I used a lot of your material to guide me through the process and to get a taste of what to expect. Also, your podcast about reading books impacted my life in a huge way. I have always loved to read but didn’t prioritize it. Since listening I have read about a book a week and am working to increase this number even more. You have even inspired me to put my own blog together. When it is up and running I will definitely send you the link. In closing, I want to thank you for the material you put out. Keep up the great, quality work! 

Raychel Shannon
Pro Basketball Player


I started the new year by making an investment into changing my life’s experience through improving both my professional and social presence. In moments of reflection I’ve noted a number of missed opportunities over the years that included extended lapses of time in pursuit of attainable goals. One of the methods used to address these and other issues was working with Dre Baldwin of “Work On Your Game”. It resulted in the creation and implementation of actionable steps toward accurately focusing effort more consistently. A great deal of attention was given to developing a rubric of perspective to engage new challenges of any sort successfully as they arise. The positive gains from the experience overall have been lasting and are evident in my day to day life. A big take away was being reminded of how much control each of us have in maximizing our quality of life each day. There won’t ever be a need to repeat this process ever again. If you could benefit from learning how to be more organized, more confident, or whatever...heck we all can be better at something! Contact Dre ASAP and make good on your plans to improve if you are really serious about it. His methods are sound and his approach is both polished and professional. There are still many more mountains I have to climb, but I am geared up and ready to reach every summit. Thanks Dre!!!

Jeff Rashad Thomas
Customer Service Specialist


Hey Dre, The reason for this email is to express my sincere appreciation and admiration for the dedication you have for your craft. I've been following you for a little over two years now. I own several books of yours and I also purchased your Bullet Proof Mindset Course. But the thing that's helped me the most is your PODCAST. I learned so much from The WOYG Podcast that it made me want to start my own. I wanted to do for others what you did for me. I wanted to for two years but I didn't! There's a bunch of excuses for why I didn't, but not a single good reason. The only thing that was in my way was me. But I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired, so I decided to take action. I posted my 4th podcast episode yesterday. I have you to thank for that! Thank you for your content! & Thank you for helping me build up the confidence I needed to finally launch my podcast. (P.s. it's even rated 5 Stars on Apple Podcast :)

Flor Castro
Podcast Creator & Host
Here’s A Recap Of
EVERYTHING You're Getting
When You take advantage of This AMAZING Offer for bulletproof mindset 2.0!
√ ​Bulletproof Mindset 2.0 Full 12-Module Course ($14,997 Value)

BONUS Bulletproof Mindset 395-Page Manual:  ($497 Value)

​BONUS The Game: Raise Your Value 18-Part Business Course ($297 Value)

​BONUS Discipline Master Course Volume 1 5-Part Audio Master Class ($197 Value)

√ ​BONUS Become a Business Athlete 30-Day Audio Series ($997 Value)

√ ​BONUS Discipline Master Course Volume 2 6-Part Audio Master Class ($197 Value)
Total Value: $17,182
But today, you're getting all of this at a...
huge 94% discount!
just $1,997 $497
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5 payments of $119
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One Time Offer - Only $37: People always wonder: "What happens if I build a funnel, and it FLOPS?” Don’t worry (Most people's do the first time...)! At last year’s Funnel Hacking Live, I gave a special workshop called Funnel Audibles. It shows you a simple process to take ANY funnel that’s broken, and turn it from a ‘zero’ to a ‘HERO’! Click YES to get the training, plus the transcripts and companion workbook that will walk you through how to do a funnel audible on your own funnel now for just $37! (This offer is not available ANYWHERE else on the market!)

Dynamically Updated
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